Fragrant Surprise from Ylang-ylang


The essential oil from Ylang-ylang is highly valued and used in perfumes such as Chanel No. 5.

Its fragrance is described as “rich and deep with notes of rubber and custard, and bright with hints of jasmine and neroli.”

No wonder the garden smells heavenly when it blooms!

The name ylang-ylang is derived from the Tagalog term ilang-ilang for the tree that is a reduplicative form of the word ilang, meaning “wilderness”, alluding to the tree’s natural habitat… The plant is native to the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia and is commonly grown in Madagascar, Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia and Comoros Islands. It grows in full or partial sun, and prefers the acidic soils of its native rainforest habitat. – Wikipedia



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